Why you should join the gym? Is it a waste of time and money?

Why should you go to the gym? Is it a waste of time and money?

It's been almost two years since I started going to the gym regularly, and I'd like to share my story about why I joined. In short, I had been working hard towards achieving something for almost three years, but unfortunately, I failed. I was so depressed that I decided to join the gym. I used the gym as an outlet for my frustration, anger, and sadness, and it helped me feel fresh. Additionally, I made many friends there. After two months, I had developed six-pack abs, gained muscle mass, and felt more confident. It helped me forget about my depression. Now that I am 19 years old, I believe you should join the gym for reasons similar to mine.

First how the ___ going to the gym is waste of time?
The idea that the gym is a waste of time is incorrect because it's actually a way to invest in yourself, which is very important. Going to the gym and doing exercise can make you healthier, less stressed, and more confident. This means going to the gym is a way to take care of yourself and make positive changes in your life.

If you have any experience, don't hesitate to comment. I feel happy when I read your comments.

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